Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Party at Home

These 2 photos are of our nibbles for the day. We had some cheese, apricot balls, marshmallows,etc. The people in the photos are Cindy, Jeanette, Denis and Marg.
This is what Denis had on his plate for lunch. For lunch we had ham, chicken and salads. It was yummie but I ate too much. What is new.  LOL
 Here is some more photos of lunch time. You can Barb,Marg,Cindy, Darryl on the left. On the right is Denis Jeanette and Helen. And guess who didn't get their photo taken.  LOL

Cindy brought this for dessert. Her Mum helped her make it. It was very yummie. She had to leave some behind for me. She has to bring it next year.
And Marg brought this along. Marg has to make this every year for Cath. But Cath couldn't make it this year. Oh dear Cath missed out.  LOL It is very sweet. I had one piece.
Here we are saying cheers to Cath and Ronnie who couldn't be there.
Barb is having a slice of Marg slice. She is really enjoying it. I said to her how could she tease Cath doing that. I can hear Cath now. LOL We all had a lovely day. I had Helen as my partner and I forgot to take a photo of what I gave her,. I gave Helen a Iced Friut Cake. I iced it but didn't make it. Marg made it for me. I also gave her a box with cards in. Well that is all for now. Tomorrow I will take a photo what Marg gave me.

 These little boxes I made for our sewing group Christmas Party yesterday. They have some chocolates in them. Every year I do something different.
 This of photo is some bon bons I have left. Made a few for a card group I go to on a Monday night. They have 12 mini jelly beans in them. This is the smallest bon nob. Their are 2 more large than this. I had fun making them.
This is a shoe I made one Monday night at my card night. I just need to find a nice buckle to put on it.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hi All
I have been busy getting ready for Christmas. These are a few things that I have done.
These have a box of maltese in them. They are so cute.
The pink one is a back pack. It has a note pad and pencil in it. The green ones holds a very small bottle of wine in it. but at Easter I'm going to do one with Easter eggs in it. And the front one is a gingerbread house.
These ones have a block of chocolate in them. Very easy to do. Well I better get off here. Will put more up later on. Have a good day.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Just seeing if this is going to work. Have been having trouble with it.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello Just checking to see if it works.